Fish Food 2

"The Oreo arrives"

I apologize for the later-in-the-day post today, but my WACOM wigged out this morning and I wasn't able to update as early as I said I was. Anyway, this is the introduction of a new character, Oreo, who will be the official 'talking animated object/animal' for Fish Food. I really hope whoever makes Oreos doesn't get me in trouble.

To see what I mean about the 'talking animated object/animal', see these examples:

  • Sluggy Freelance - BunBun.
  • Penny Arcade - Div
  • CAD - The Flying Tequila Bottle
  • CAD - The XBOT / Zeke
  • Every other danged comic out there.

In other news, um... there is no other news. See you guys sunday!
