Fish Food 2

"Completely Stupid"

So … yeah. My recent life has been Facebook, Friends, Fun, just enough homework to be relaxing, comics, and music. I might go as far to relate this to the feeling of happiness I had back at my old middle school, RMS (Which was pretty danged happy). Winter-een-mas is almost over, and, although I missed most of it due to school, it was still pretty awesome.

Now, I know that getting a Facebook might seem like a conformist act, which it undoubtedly is, and I have been vehemently opposed to getting one for the sole reason that everyone wanted me to get one, but the amount of privacy is based on what you set, and therefore, only the people you want can say stuff. It can sometimes be mean, sometimes downright cruel, but so far my general experience with this social networking site has been a good one.

Anyway, the comics independent study is going awesomely. I spent a double block period today just drawing the Fish Food you see here. (And doing my Chinese homework, which I had so unfortunately forgotten about.)

Either way, life is awesome.
